Firstly; I'll be using this post to archive general game tips and also multiplayer tips to avoid bugs/crashing. This post will be updated as more content is discovered.
For a copy that this guide refers to, make yourself a member of our Discord server:
General Gameplay Tips
The following section will contain useful methods to ease your experience in Xenominer.
1. Crash Foam
After generating a new world, you will find yourself with a little pod and some crash foam. Besides the equipment that comes with it, and the aluminum and iron you'll find outside to make a centriforge with, you will find an abundance of crash foam. This material is useful starting off; as it can be extracted and then reclaimed using a centriforge to get a decent bit of silicon and a touch of titanium right off the bat.
2. Silicon, Silicon, and lastly, Silicon.
Shortly after getting a hold of yourself and beginning the process of crafting processing cores, you are likely to find yourself running short on silicon. Get used to this feeling, as silicon is used in crafting just about anything you can think of. Any time you go out mining, make sure to grab a hefty load of silicon. Otherwise, you'll be going mining several times for the same thing; silicon.
3. Processing Cores
If you want to find yourself with better gear and a more technologically advanced base, you'll need processing cores. These cores, given you have enough of them, will eventually unlock more advanced recipes. Want a better P.I.C.K. so you can mine titanium, diamonds, and endurium? Processing cores will unlock the path to a tool that'll let you mine those. Want a chestplate that'll let you fly high in the sky, all while soaking up radiation like nobody's business? You'll need processing cores to unlock that Parhelion HazardSuit. In short, if you want better gear, get more processing cores.
4. Easily Preventing Venator Attacks
Venators are a pest. They plague the caves around you, jump out from the walls and surprise you, and they take a hell of a lot of energy to get rid of. An easy way around fighting through venator swarms to rid them of their egg is just to block them off. Don't waste your energy shooting at more than you have to; just find whatever hole they pop out of and throw some basalt in front of it. Venators can't dig, so unless you missed a spot, you won't be seeing any of those buggers.
General Multiplayer Tips
The following section will have a wealth of information regarding a gameplay experience in a multiplayer server. Not all of the information below might refer to you, depending on where you got your copy of Xenominer. For a community who plays the game, and for the version that the below information refers to, come say hi to everyone in our Discord server:
1. Don't Shoot. Really.
It needs further testing to declare whether or not connected players (anyone who isn't the host) can shoot guns, but if the host of the game shoots any projectile, all connected players will disconnect and crash. It is recommended that whoever is hosting puts the game on peaceful, or break any nearby venator nests beforehand.
2. If you're not the host, you won't see anyone but the host.
Nobody knows why, but a player who is joining someone else's game will only see the host of the world. The host however, will see everyone who has joined. Despite everyone but the host being invisible, connected players will still see the world being interacted with. The game would function as if there were several people connected, but the connected players will only see the host and themselves.
3. If you enjoy playing fullscreen, expect chunk errors.
If you're going to be joining somebody's multiplayer server, any form of minimizing and maximizing a fullscreen Xenominer will cause chunks to go invisible, both on the map and visually. You will be able to look and walk on these "invisible chunks," allowing you to see caves beneath you, but any form of interaction with the chunk (placing/breaking a block) will cause it to load back in. If you want to play fullscreen, be ready to interact with each chunk error as it occurs. Or, just don't play fullscreen!
And that concludes what I have for Tips & Tricks for Xenominer! Do remember that I'll be updating this as I find out about more shortcuts for the game and play more multiplayer. If you'd like to join me, as well as everyone else, in this adventure, you're always welcome to make an appearance in our Discord server below. The Discord server is not just a server for playing Xenominer; there is even a Unity Engine remake in the works! This remake, of course, will have everything available in a higher resolution. However, it is not yet available as of right now. Progress on the remastered Xenominer can be viewed from our Discord server, as well as the Patreon. If you'd like to be an early influencer of the development of The Xenominer Project, then make sure to check out the events tab and sign up for closed early alpha!
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